Terence R. Murphy, O.B.E.
Calumet & Sacred Heart High Schools - 1955
Distinguished Washington Attorney
AB, Harvard College; JD, Michigan Law. JROTC, academics, music & "shop" -- CHS. BB Point Guard, academics, music, drama & typing -- SHHS. CLK Teen Center, AM. Legion baseball and USNR training. USN Officer Commended in 1962 Cuban Missle Crisis. DC-Based lawyer-manager with broad practice including MTU & Calumet Electronics Corp. Civil Rights & "CON LAW" in U.S. SUP. CT Public advisor to USG. Life member, AM. Law Institute. CSIS Strategic think-tank; lectures worldwide. Honored by Royal Shakespeare Company, three foreign sovereigns & USG. Who's Who "Lifetime Achievement." Two-volume memoir (2015) & history at at Harvard's Agassiz Museum & Michigan Tech's Copper Country Archives. Organized 2015 "Big 150" history panel with Agassiz Museum, MTU Archives & CLK Schools RE Global "Man of Science" and our extraordinary community. 2022 Sequel Memorial with collaborator at Agassiz Museum.