Horizons Alternative School opened its doors to students on September 6, 2005. The creation of this school is the result of a group of dedicated educators who became concerned about the number of students in the Calumet-Laurium-Keweenaw Schools who were either struggling or who had given up and simply left school. It became clear that some kind of program needed to be set up to help address the unique needs of this population of students. Horizons Alternative High School is the result of the dedication, sacrifice, hard work and research of this visionary group of educators.
The faculty, staff, and students function much as a family does; the atmosphere in our program is oriented toward fostering acceptance, a sense of belonging, and responsibility for ourselves and others. It is in this caring environment that students in grades 9-12 are invited to take advantage of the opportunity for a second chance to learn, earn credit, and graduate.
Our graduation requirements are the same as Calumet High School and upon completion of the credits required for graduation, students receive a Calumet High School diploma.
As a Type I school we are committed to helping all students who walk through our door learn to the best of their abilities. It is our goal to provide high quality education and preparation for the world beyond high school delivered through alternative methods. To achieve this goal our curriculum, teaching style, and assessment is individualized, flexible, customized and personalized to accommodate the variety of strengths and learning styles that our students bring to school with them. Yet, while catering to the individual needs of the whole student, we place emphasis on providing a challenging, solid education held together by core academics, such as writing, reading, math, science, and social studies - and enhanced with courses and activated designed to round out and offer both enriching and practical life experiences to our students.
Events Calendar

Last Day of Spring Recess
Classes Resume
No School - Good Friday
1/2 Day for Students
Memorial Day - No School
Last Day of School

Alternative High School
110 Stanton Ave,
Mohawk, Michigan 49950
906.337-4614 [fax]
Kinnunen, Principal
Linda Tervo,