CHS Announcements 9-20-22
CHS Announcements
Tuesday, September 20, 2022
Good Things: Saima wants to share that the high school football teams are doing so good in their games and Keegman The Magnificent would like to give a shout out to Major Farley & First Sergeant Powell for always being there to help him and others get through hard times.
Congratulations to the girls cross country team on placing 4th at the Dollar Bay Invite yesterday!
Good luck to the freshman volleyball team as they travel to Hancock this afternoon!
The Copperbots are looking for new team members. If you are interested in programming, engineering, manufacturing or marketing, come to the introductory meeting right after school in Mr. Waurio's room today!. No experience is needed!
There will be an organizational meeting of Business Professionals of America at 12:00 on Wednesday, September 21st in Mr. Goke's room.
CHS Picture Day will be next Tuesday, September 27th. Picture packets will be distributed in your 5th hour class. If you have a study hall exemption or peer to peer 5th hour you may pick up your packet from the second floor office.
No birthdays!