Announcements 3-15-23
CHS Announcements
Wednesday, March 15, 2023
JV Girls Basketball uniform collection will be today right after school.
All freshman through senior volleyball players need to attend a brief meeting tomorrow after school in Mrs. Bonacorsi's room to discuss running the Middle School volleyball tournament that CHS is hosting next week.
The commons will be closed during lunches today students may report to the study hall
We will be holding a Senior/Staff Hockey Game on Monday, March 27th at the Colosseum. The game will be at 8:30 PM and will be open to any seniors that would like to play. You must have full equipment to participate. The sign up sheet will be available through Wednesday, March 22nd to see if there is enough interest to hold the game.
NHS members please stop in Mrs. Bonacorsi's room after school for a quick meeting today.
Happy birthday to Caiana!